Friday, May 29, 2009

My future husband

Its not everyday that you get to fall in love with your best friend. I have the most amazing man that any girl could ever ask for. I never thought that I could find someone that I could love that would love me back unconditonally.

Jeff you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. I am so in love with you and I can wait to call you my husband!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! We can Blog together- I can't wait to read more about what is going on with you two cuties!!! The wedding day is getting close! I am going to start to venture out and look for dresses for Staci and I- I know finding one to cover us up is hard these days!!! I will keep my eye opened- Keep blogging and I love what you wrote about Jeff- He is pretty awesome and is so lucky to have found you too! Love you both!
