Friday, April 30, 2010

Safety First!!!

OK so we are some dorks!!! We decided to buy some bikes two weekends ago, and let me tell you it was a huge process! It WAS nice outside, key word "was", and I had been wanting to go on a bike ride, so I talked Jeff into going to look at bikes. My only concern was that we were going to get these bikes and use them as much as our gym passes! So we were in Target for like 2 hours deciding if we should really buy them, and then on top of trying to decide if we should buy them, a old man wanted to talk to us, but Jeff got lucky and got out of the conversation! So there I am for a half and hour talking to this strange man and my husband is just sitting far enough away to not have to be in the conversation. Do you think that he came and saved me? NO!!! He didn't even attempt to... So I told him one day that it would come back to haunt him.
Long story short, we bought the bikes and safety helmets ( Jeff's idea ) and have only been able to go on one bike ride because the weather is so bad! ( And i forgot how much a bike seat hurts your butt!!!)

Mr. Cool

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Jeff and I went to the Grand American Brunch for Easter! It was amazing! If you have never been you need to go! Besides the great atmosphere the food was delicious and there was so much of it. It was a fun Easter thanks to Jeff since it was all his idea!
Jeff dressed in his Sunday best!
The flowers there were so beautiful! This huge arrangement smelled so good!

The dessert table was huge and there was a chocolate fountain!!! That's where I wanted to stay the whole time! It was hard to save that for last. I wanted to take this chocolate bunny home!
They had awesome ice sculptures
Jeff really liked this orange juice glasses in ice!

Thanks again Jeff for having such a great idea!