Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am so excited! I am so "thankful" that I dont have to cook dinner tomorrow all by myself like last year! I am just making two pies and that will be nice and easy! Jeff and I are going to my grandparents ranch in Lyman, WY! Since tomorrow is thanksgiving I though I would post the things that I am thankful for!
1. My brand new husband. He is my best friend and I am so glad that I get to spend this Thanksgiving and every other thanksgiving with him! I am so glad that Jeff came into my life just before thanksgiving 2 years ago!
2. My amazing family. It is so great to be close to them all! I love seeing all of my cousins especially the little ones!
3. My parents. Jeff and I could not do it without all of there help and love. I have the most incredible parents, that love me unconditonally. I love you mom and dad!
4. My new family. I am so luck to not only have a great family but I also got a great new family. Even though we dont get to see them that often we will be thinking of all of you tomorrow! Thank you for welcoming me.
5. My true friends. To those few of you out there I am thanksful that you stuck around for all this time, some of you have really had to stick it out! I love you all! And to the few new ones in AZ, I wish that we had more time to hangout!
So count your blessings tomorrow and have a great Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. We all have so much to be thankful for. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with family!
